About Us
If you thought that a near zero energy building with the highest
building standards didn't exist, then think again.
That's exactly what you'll get with a home or commercial build with Passive Housing.

​We’re Matt Dooley and Mark Cooper, and our passion is to build and renovate homes with a low carbon footprint, low energy bills and help people who want to do as much as they can to protect the environment.
With over 30 years in the construction industry, we know we can deliver on our promise.
We really like working with homebuilders like yourself, because we know what’s it like. We’ve build and extended our own homes and we live and breathe construction every day.
We want the world to be a better place for our kids and our kid’s kids. Every little helps and one way is to build a home that gives more than it takes.
No matter what type of land you have, we’re sure that a Passive House can be built upon it, due to it’s lightweight structure – the weight is dispersed around the whole building.
History of Passive Housing
Passive Housing began its journey back in 2013. Frank Dooley specialised in supplying timber buildings and electronic gates.
On a business trip to Poland, Frank saw the M3 System technique first hand and he immediately knew the potential this eco, energy saving system could bring to the construction industry in Ireland.
He brought the system to Ireland and built Ireland’s first polystyrene house in 2013.
Matt Dooley also saw the potential. He built his house using the M3 system and saw for himself the value, quality and speed of build of the building system. He wanted to continue the legacy of his cousin Frank. Together with Mark Cooper, they continue to build polystyrene homes in Ireland.
Call us today to find out more about a Passive House. We'll talk you through the features and benefits of this environmentally friendly, eco house building material.
Read on to see why you should Choose Passive Housing
Why you should choose Passive Housing
We build homes to the highest passive housing standard. Our BER A1 rated home is the highest rating you can get.
1. Superior Air Tightness Rating
If you’re looking for air tightness, our homes have a far higher U value than other passive houses. There is solid insulation throughout the house – from floor to ceiling.

2. Reduced Running Costs
A home built by DPH. Passive Housing is cheap to run. For some homeowners, depending on the orientation of their house, they could pay next to nothing on their heating bills. In fact, in one single story build, there is no heating required at all in that home.
3. Built to the Highest of Building Standards
We’re conventional builders by trade so we know the standard required. Our Passive Housing homes are build to the highest spec. With building regulations due to increase, traditional concrete homes are going to be more expensive to build. Ours won’t be as they are already at a superior standard.

4. Build on hard to reach land
For owners of boggy, hard to reach, traditionally unbuildable land, you can now build a home due to the lightweight design and build of a DPH. Passive Housing Home built using Polystyrene. This can be an enormous benefit to people who never thought it possible to build on their land.
5. Time to Build Significantly Reduced
With a conventional, concrete build, many things slow down a build, . However, with a Passive Housing House, the build comes in comes in pre-formatted, modular sections. We can have it water tight within a couple of weeks. Then the inside trades guys can get to work, while the outside is being finished.

6. Work with you for the Complete Process
As builders with over 30 years experience, we will walk you through the process of building. This includes advice and design of the build, assist with the mortgage application, insurance and all that goes with draw downs.
To discover more about the unique build, read about the M3 System here.
We are builders who care. Contact us Today to have a chat about creating your dream home that is environmentally friendly, near zero energy and unique.